Change of Size Policy
Currently, we unfortunately don’t offer Change of Size for any of our products on our website after 12 hours of placing your order. This means if you are to decide on a change of size or colour, this category would fall under our Returns Policy, as we intend on quick shipping and production times and so, after 12 hours of order confirmation, we unable to change your desired size or colour. If you wish to change your size within 12 hours of ordering, please contact us on the provided contact section (left). Additionally, we provide in depth size charts on each of our product and on our policies tabs, if you are still unsure on what size to order, feel free to contact us on the provided tab (left). All sizes are in centimetres and may incur a 1-3cm error. Measurements are measured on the clothes, not the body.
Return Policy
If you do have a change of mind to return your items, please notify us within 12 hours of placing your order. As we aim to provide on time delivery and faster production times, your cancellation must be made before 12 hours, otherwise we are unable to provide returns for your purchased goods. This is applicable for any items purchased through the VEREX website.